events | 4 mins read
fevereiro 17, 2015
tna, booth 423, SNAXPO 2015, Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, 28-31 March 2015
Integrated packaging and processing solutions provider tna will demonstrate its expertise in total packaging and processing solutions for snack food at this year’s SNAXPO. Visitors to the stand will be able to watch the highly flexible tna intelli-flav ® OMS 5, on-machine seasoning (OMS) system in action and find out how tna’s acquisition of processing specialist FOODesign means bringing start-to-finish solutions to its customers. Experts from tna’s global team will also demonstrate how its automation and controls capabilities can support manufacturers in design, installation and integration to maximize productivity and maintain snack food safety, quality and traceability.
Fully integrated with both oil spray and flavor injection systems, the tna intelli-flav OMS 5 offers consistent coverage and flavor for both wet and dry seasoning. Designed to deliver tna’s renowned combination of performance, simplicity and flexibility, the tna intelli-flav OMS 5 features a responsive variable mass seasoning system with dynamic vibratory weigher to directly control oil spray and powder flow into the drum. This enables an accurate, proportional amount of seasoning to be evenly applied to the product for improved coverage and flavor dispersion.
Further performance benefits are realized through the enhanced position of the scarf plate on the tna intelli-flav OMS 5 infeed. Mounted to the edge of the drum, the scarf better directs the product into the spraying and flavoring area, providing high quality seasoning performance. Additionally, the newly designed scalloped infeed conveyor allows more product to enter the seasoning drum, while also helping to control product direction for greater accuracy and reduced waste.
Alongside its existing portfolio of packaging, seasoning and distribution solutions, tna now offers a variety of FOODesign’s world leading fryers and cookers, including batch fryers, continuous fryers, baking and toasting ovens, and speciality roasting equipment. These systems are suitable for use across a wide variety of applications including bakery, confectionery and snack foods.
tna will also highlight its system control and integration expertise. The team will demonstrate the benefits of control systems, such as programmable logic controllers (PLC) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). These systems are easily integrated into existing production lines giving plant operators the ability to target specific areas where inefficiencies are most prevalent. This ensures that each element of the production line works in harmony with each other, resulting in a fully optimized and seamless operation.
Patrick Avelange, general manager – Americas, tna, commented: “As a long-term member of the Snack Food Association, we’re excited to return to the event once again to showcase our complete range of start-to-finish solutions for the snack industry. With demand for snacks at an all time high, manufacturers need high-performance systems that consistently deliver on speed, accuracy and flexibility. In line with our recent merger with food processing specialist FOODesign, tna’s experts will give qualified advice on how our integrated solutions can help manufacturers optimize their total production line”
Editor’s note:
tna is a leading global supplier of integrated food packaging and processing solutions with over 7,000 systems installed across more than 120 countries. The company provides a comprehensive range of products including processing, coating, distribution, seasoning, weighing, packaging, metal detection and identification solutions. tna also offers a variety of production line controls integration and SCADA reporting options. tna’s unique combination of innovative technologies, extensive project management experience and 24/7 global support ensures customers achieve faster, more reliable and flexible food products at the lowest cost of ownership.
For further information, please contact: Michael Lea
TNA Australia Pty Ltd., 24 Carter Street, Sydney Olympic Park NSW, 2127, Australia
Tel: +61 412 366 379 Fax: +61 297 482 970
Email: [email protected] or visit:
For further press information, please contact: Helen Salvin / Emma Simms,
Barrett Dixon Bell Ltd., Craig Court, 25 Hale Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 2EY, UK
Tel: +44 (0)161 925 4700 Fax: +44 (0)161 925 4701
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]