Innovations Update: Single Serration Jaws
products | 2 mins read
junho 26, 2015
Lawrence Roos, group R&D manager, tna, looks at the new single serration (SS) jaws
For many food manufacturers, a key priority is that their products stand out from their competitors when on the shelf. A product’s packaging is fundamental to its success in the market, however, food processors have previously shied away due to high productions costs. Our latest innovation, the Singles Serration jaws, create “pillow” style bags that give our customers that “stand out” look for aesthetic appeal. The cost for previous technology, however, has been very high – until now.
Single Serration jaws for robag® 3 and 2c packaging systems
tna’s new Single Serration jaws, specially developed by our engineers for the tna robag® 3 and 2c series packaging systems, produce a “pillow” looking bag with a smaller seal area. This new jawset seal has a similar appearance to an ultrasonic seal, but at a fraction of the price.
Extensive developmental tests at various sites have shown that this innovative technology can deliver additional benefits to processors too. Providing major film savings due to their smaller seal area, the new Single Serration jaws also allow customers to increase bag volume while maintaining the same bag length. In addition, because the jaws have a smaller profile they require less jaw heat and produce a faster seal time, leading to increased throughput and enhanced performance.
Contact tna today and learn more.