events | 4 mins read
enero 6, 2014
tna, stand 909, Snaxpo, Dallas, USA (1~4 March 2014): Global leader in food packaging and processing solutions, tna, will present its key innovations in bagging, seasoning, spraying and distribution at this year’s Snaxpo exhibition. Demonstrating the ease of integration of tna’s equipment and its expertise in total packaging solutions for snack foods, an on-stand ‘production line’ will feature the new tna intelli-flav® OMS 5 seasoning system, the tna robag® FX 3ci high speed VFFS bagger, and the tna roflo® HM 3 conveyor. The on-stand showcase will also include high performance weighing, metal detection and verification solutions, as well as highlight the benefits that tna’s controls and integration capabilities can bring to snack production lines.
Delivering the ultimate flexibility in on-machine seasoning (OMS) applications, the tna intelli-flav® OMS 5 offers consistent coverage and flavour for both wet and dry seasoning. Fully integrated with both oil spray and flavour injection systems, tna’s new OMS system provides total control of oil and seasoning adhesion with fast flavour change-overs to maximise productivity.
For the first time, visitors will also be able experience the latest evolution of tna’s leading intelli-flav® CLO series of closed loop oil sprayers. Suitable for main line seasoning in particular, the new tna intelli-flav® CLO 3 is the only oiling system in the world to offer an air filtration system which ensures 99.9% of the facility air is clean and completely dry as moisture can dramatically reduce product shelf life. New features and improvements combine to produce a sleeker, more hygienic and more operator-friendly main line system which provides exceptional accuracy in application on salty, baked and extruded snacks as well as on nuts, biscuits, crackers.
Also on display, the tna robag® FX 3ci high speed VFFS packaging machine offers unmatched throughput rates of up to 150bpm on potato chips, and is suitable for high volumes of a wide variety of other products. With innovative new features including the new tna intelli-weigh® 0314 omega multi-head scale, the tna hyper-detect® metal detector and tna flo-thru former®, the tna robag® FX 3ci provides manufacturers with up to 30 per cent improvement in performance.
Visitors to the stand will also be able to see the company’s innovative horizontal motion conveyor, the tna roflo® HM 3. Benefiting from total control of speed and direction to ensure optimal performance, this conveyor smoothly distributes goods to minimise losses and breakages. Particularly suited to heavy coated products, as seasoning does not build up on the pans, the tna roflo® HM 3 has an easy-to-clean design to ensure that manufacturers comply with strict HACCP and QA standards, deliver the highest quality products and reduce waste.
tna will also highlight its controls system expertise, demonstrating how it supports manufacturers in design, installation and integration to maximize productivity and maintain snack food safety, quality and traceability. Visit stand 909 to learn more.
Editor’s note:
tna is a leading global supplier of integrated food packaging solutions with over 6,000 systems installed across more than 120 countries. The company provides a comprehensive range of products including spraying, distribution, seasoning, weighing, packaging, metal detection and verification and promotional solutions, plus system controls & integration solutions. tna’s unique combination of innovative technologies, extensive project management experience and 24/7 global support ensures customers achieve faster, more reliable and flexible packaged food products at the lowest cost of ownership.
For further information, please contact: Shayne De la Force
TNA Australia Pty Ltd., 24 Carter Street, Sydney Olympic Park NSW, 2127, Australia
Tel: +61 412 366 379 Fax: +61 297 482 970<
Email: [email protected] or visit:
For further press information, please contact: Lauren Moir / Nicola Aldren,
Barrett Dixon Bell Ltd., Craig Court, 25 Hale Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 2EY, UK
Tel: +44 (0)161 925 4700 Fax: +44 (0)161 925 4701
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]