cookie statement

Last modified on 23/12/2022
Revision number 3.0

When you visit one of the websites of tna we make use of cookies. These cookies are stored on your computer, mobile phone, tablet or on any other device you use to connect to our website. A cookie is a small text file which is placed on the device that you use to connect to our website. With the information in these small text files we can recognise you when you re-visit our website, for example when you previously have set your language preferences you do not have to re-enter this information. This way we can assist you more efficiently.

Next to cookies, we also employ other techniques which enable us to store and retrieve information from your computer, mobile phone or tablet. An example of this is ‘local storage’ on your device. These techniques work the same way as cookies, so we will treat and name them cookies in the remainder of this statement. To place these cookies, we use techniques like Javascript and tracking pixels (local storage).

Why does tna use cookies?

We make use of the following cookies:

  • Necessary (functional) cookies: we use these cookies to make our website easier to use for the user. For example, scaling of the website on different devices, and storing your language preferences.
  • Performance (analytical) cookies: we use these cookies to see and analyze anonymous information about website traffic and most used pages.

How to give your consent

tna does not place marketing cookies, meaning that the internet pages that you visit are not tracked across devices and or sessions on our or other websites.

View and remove cookies

Only you can remove cookies from your pc. tna cannot do this for you. If you want to know more about this, you can click the links for the browser you are using:

If you are unsuccessful you can use this general page about deleting cookies from your system:

Which cookies are placed by tna?

On this page we list the cookies that we place on your system. You can view the name of the cookie, the provider of the cookie, the purpose of the cookie, how long the cookie remains active and what kind of cookie is placed.

PHPSESSIDtnasolutions.comSaves user state if logged in.SessionHTTP CookieNecessary
tnaCookietnasolutions.comPrints out the phone number depending on the location of the user.2 daysHTTP CookieNecessary
This cookie is used to establish and continue a user session with the site.30 minutes from set/updateHTTP CookieNecessary
cuvontnasolutions.comUsed to signal the last time a visitor viewed a page.30 minutes from set/updateHTTP CookieNecessary
cuvidtnasolutions.comThis cookie is used to determine unique visitors to the site and it is updated with each page view.2 years from set/updateHTTP CookieNecessary
_gatnasolutions.comUsed to distinguish users.2 yearsHTTP CookiePerformance
_gat_gtag_[property_id]tnasolutions.comGoogle Tag Manager cookie. Used to throttle request rate.1 minuteHTTP CookiePerformance
_gidtnasolutions.comUsed to distinguish users.1 dayHTTP CookiePerformance
_hj*tnasolutions.comUsed by HotJar to improve the website performance1 dayHTTP CookiePerformance
_adroll*tnasolutions.comUsed by Adroll to improve the website performance1 dayHTTP CookiePerformance
_fbp*tnasolutions.comUsed by Facebook pixel to improve the website performance1 dayHTTP CookiePerformance
tnaCookietnasolutions.comUsed to store the tna‘s country phone number information1 dayHTTP CookiePerformance