tna ropac 5

tna ropac 5

ultra high-performance case packer

tna ropac 5

The world’s fastest case-packing system for flexible bags capable of packing up to 200 bags per minute. Using TNA’s own patented semi-rotary technology, the tna ropac 5 case packer is designed to pack small-to-medium, pillow style snack bags. Most bag widths and lengths are handled with ease for packing various applications such as snacks, confectionery, pasta and cereal.

*Subject to bag type, film and product.

  • Compact design with “one machine per bagger configuration”
  • 38.1cm (15inch) colour touch screen new innovative semi-rotary bag shelving
  • Quick change, tool less changeovers and easy maintenance access
  • Inclined check-weigher on the infeed conveyor to control accuracy of bag weights from bagger
tna ropac 5
Model type tna ropac 5
performance max running speed bpm 200
Max case erecting speed cpm 10
utilities average air consumption L/min (cfm) 400 (14.1)
controller CXE
power consumption kW (hp) 1.3 (1.7)
voltage VAC 380-415
specifications bags bag length (packed) minimum mm (in) 160 (6.3)
maximum mm (in) 415 (16.3)
bag width minimum mm (in) 120 (4.7)
maximum mm (in) 320 (12.5)
bag thickness minimum mm (in) 30 (1.2)
maximum mm (in) 120 (4.7)
bag weight minimum g (lbs) 35 (1.2)
maximum g (lbs) 300 (10.6)
cases length minimum mm (in) 292 (11.5) *
maximum mm (in) 600 (23.6)
cases  cases width minimum mm (in) 200 (7.9) **
maximum mm (in) 400 (15.7)
cases height minimum mm (in) 160 (6.3)
maximum mm (in) 400 (15.7)
construction material stainless steel (frame), lexan, brush stainless steel (guarding), mild steel with zinc chromate (inside components) , anodized aluminium.
 main cubicle dimensions length mm (in) 7780 (306)
width mm (in) 1222 (48)
height mm (in) 2500 (98)
weight kg (lbs) 3900 (8600)
* case loaded in landscape orientation (major panel facing). Otherwise 300 (11.8).
** case loaded in landscape orientation (major panel facing). Otherwise 292 (11.5).
  • Dal
  • Gummies & jellies
  • Other Snacks
  • Pellets - dry
  • Pork rinds
  • Potato chips
  • Tortilla chips
  • Packaging systems